Contact / Guestbook
Hi! Please use this page (and not the damage report) to get in touch with us and also for saying hello, suggestions, reclamations, warnings, threats etc!
Hi! Please use this page (and not the damage report) to get in touch with us and also for saying hello, suggestions, reclamations, warnings, threats etc!
Salve RADU FOARTE FOARTE TARE mai ales IRAN m’a impresionat tare mult !
Cheers si keep in touch..!!!
multumim. bafta si voua!
Foarte tare! Felicitari!;-)
extraordinara calatorie,felicitari!
You have such such amazing journey so far ! I do enjoy all those photos very much.
I was a travel agent in LA since 1989 & travel to quite a few countries so far; but still no comparion to you.
thanks Mr Shish. Maybe one day we’ll see each other again… in Taiwan 🙂
multumim. va mai urma!
foarte interesanta calatorie. Multe din cele bifate de voi sunt si pe lista mea de obiective. Pacat de ratarea Pakistanului, vad ca suntem multi la care nu ne-a iesit, dar vom persevera….bafta in tot ce faci.
Pakistanul… Ladakul…. etc. Bafta si tie. Cand pleci?
Prin noroc am dat de pagna ta, tot incerc sa gasesc un umar de telefon, ca sa pot sa te contactezi, vreau sa fac ceva similar ce ati facut voi. Cluj-Darjeeling ( India). Am nevoie de sfatul tau ca de…nu gasesc expresia potrivita. Poti sa ma ajuti? Multumesc!
ti-am dat email
Dear Sir/Madam,
We hope this email finds you well.
I am writing to you on behalf of Desert Publishers, a creative and innovative publishing company from Saudi Arabia, publishing books of cultural and media images.
We are currently in the process of publishing our latest book on clocks throughout the ages. Please note that we are hoping to obtain the copyright permission of the image entitled “”fenjaan”, a water clock used since year 500 BC”, it may be viewed by clicking on the following link: It would be most appreciated if we could obtain it free of charge as we are a small independent publishing company.
We look forward to hearing your thoughts and thank you in advance,
granted. sorry for late reply