Contact / Guestbook
Hi! Please use this page (and not the damage report) to get in touch with us and also for saying hello, suggestions, reclamations, warnings, threats etc!
Hi! Please use this page (and not the damage report) to get in touch with us and also for saying hello, suggestions, reclamations, warnings, threats etc!
explicami ce e cu adicia aceea de langa motorul tau :)))) caterinca foarte tare
Salut sper ca iti aduci aminte de mine am cumparat ppo-ul de la tine ursul rosu , ce mai zici ce mai faci … iti urmaresc cu interes blogul and all can i say is “you are amaizing ” , se pare ca in vara o sa ajung iar in state in Chicago poate iti fac o vizita in LA avetzi grija de voi .. si drum bun
da, te astept. ce s-o fi intamplat oare cu ppo? :))
Congrats on your adventure… All the best!
Aveti toata admiratia mea.
Drum bun.
am aflat despre voi din evenimentul zilei. vreau sa va spun ca va admir foarte mult ca a-ti avut curajul sa treceti peste toate parerile si sa va urmati visul.din pacate sunt mult prea putini oameni ca voi care au curajul asta sau au un avantaj financiar si isi pot permite. sa nu lasati pe nimeni sa va distruga visele. ma bucur ca mai sunt si oameni ca voi care fac ceva in viata, nu doar stau, isi dau cu parerea, critica si la sfarsitul vietii constata frustrati ca n-au facut nimic in viata asta scurta. Multumim ca impartasiti cu noi experienta aceasta. Mult noroc in continuare, sa ajungeti sa realizati tot ce v-ati propus si sa nu uitati ca sunt oameni care va admira. o tembela din Sp
ma numesc Dan , am dat si eu statele dupa 11 ani de grad school si job pe america de sud ,,, traiesc in BUENOS AIRES , va astept pe la !mine!!!!
numarul meu de mobil este +54-221-154353311
si eu am facut cu autobusul 12 tari de amirica de sud in 8 luni ( minus french guyana si suriname)
merci. felicitari si tie (pentru cel mai lung comentariu de pana acum π )
vom veni cu siguranta. acum suntem in esquel cu directia ushuaia. probabil in vreo 3 saptamani iti batem la usa. merci de invitatie!
Ma numesc Gabriela, traiesc in NY/USA de 20 de ani. Va multumesc… aventura voastra extrem de curoajsa m-a obligat sa-mi aduc aminte cit de mult imi place sa calatoresc si sa descopar.
Va doresc, un timp minunat, cit mai multe experiente deosebite si sa ajungeti sanatosi la destinatie.
Urari… numai de bine.
Keep up the good spirit! Cheers
P.S. Am adaugat link-ul acestei pagini de Web pe contul meu Facebook. Sper cit mai multa lume sa vada si citeasca despre experienta voastra unica.
super tare … π
Radu – What’s the plan once you have reached Patagonia? Are you going to settle there or take the plane/boat/bike back to US? π Take care. MC
the plan is there is no plan. yet. but definitely won’t settle in Patagonia – to cold down here!
nu stiu sincer ce pot sa zic mai mult de cat RESPECT!
asfalt uscat!
Greetings from L.A.(West Valley)! (The Lakers are doing fine! :-))
Your trek is spectacular!
And this site is nicely done.
I turned my kids, Pat and Tiff, to reading your site.
We are all fans!
We wish you a safe return to L.A.! Best!
Thanks for your kind words. Hope you will enjoy from now on as well! R+L
Hi, I spoke with you last nigh in Rio de Janeiro in a sandwich tent. It was a pleasure to talk with you.
Have a nice trip.
Bravo voua! Ma simt mindru ca sint Roman! Aritam la toti ca si noi putem face ceva frumos. Stau in Las Vegas si va astept pe aici oricind.(puteti sa veniti fara motor,am 3 care va asteapta) Va pup si Dumnezeu sa fie cu voi!
My friend and I met you briefly at a rest stop in Virginia (I think) on Wednesday.
We were touring the South Eastern US and you explained that you had traveled from Argentina!
You were nice enough to let us snap your photo and as I was editing the photos from our trip, I noticed the url for this site printed on your side cases.
Having visited the site I wish we had had a chance to speak.
What an epic adventure!!
The site is really great, tons of content and great photography… Cheers!!
Well, I’ll keep on traveling, so if you also keep on traveling we will meet again and chat then π
Salutari. Respect si admiratie din partea mea si a multor motociclisti din Arad si nu numai.
La un moment dat ati scris ceva de Romania (ca vreti sa treceti in vizita…), pana la urma ati mai ajuns prin Romania??
Pai, dupa cum reiese si din blog, Laura da, eu si motocicleta nu. Treaba cu Europa&Africa a ramas pe data viitoare. Salutari si voua!
Saaaalut, mult succes in continuare with the trip π […]
Poate cand vei ajunge acasa vom iesi la un Tedi daca ai placerea si timpul necesar. BMW-ul nu te lasa, π inca o data succes la amandoi si voi fila des bloggul de acum incolo π Pace
salut si merci pentru aprecieri π
Ar fi genial daca ai pune si un newsletter sa ne putem abona cand apar postari noi.
FELICITARI pentru tot ceea ce faci, te urmarim pas cu pas.
Asteptam cu nerabdare noi comentarii si multe poze. Locurile prin care mergeti sunt de vis si sper intr-o buna zi sa pot merge si eu pe macar jumate din locurile prin care ati fost amandoi.
Inca odata, felicitari pentru curajul vostru.
o sa ma orientez sa vad cum adaug un newsletter, momentan nu prea vreau sa umblu la blog sa nu il stric. RSS feed nu merge?
Merci de sugestii. Am adaugat. Sper sa mearga cum trebuie.
Happy New Year !
La Multi Ani !
Drum bun !
M-am abonat la newsletter. Buna ideea!!!
La multi ani! Aveti grija de voi. Drum bun!
La Multi Ani Radule!
Vad ca esti pe drumuri iara. Foarte fain. Nu stiam ca ai de gand sa pleci iar. Adica ai zis tu ceva de Africa odata. Oricum si Asia e foarte fain. Aveti grija de voi si cat mai multe bloguri.
Andrei, –
multumesc. la multi ani si tie. in africa nu am mai putut merge din cauza unor conflicte armate din zona. mergem alta data acolo! pace!
impresionant ceea ce faceti,
m-am gandit si eu la ceva de genul asta dar din pacate nu sunt posibilitati
ma bucur insa sa vad ca reusesc altii,
succes si numai bine pe une ajungeti
Hello I happened to see your bike near my hostel on Khao San Rd in Bangkok. I am a huge ADVrider fan! I hung around hoping to meet you for a long time but never got the opportunity. So coming to your website is next best thing! I am so excited for some trips I am planning and seeing your motorcycle loaded up made me so excited! Good Luck! Keep riding!
Poza de la Kathmandu mi-a placut foarte mult, de paisaje sa nu mai vorbesc, mare curaj, felicitari.
thanks for the appreciation. where are you from? good luck with your upcoming trip!
speram sa gasim ceva si mai si in Kashmir.
have nice juorney guyz have great fun in goAaaaaaaaaa.///////////./..///////////////&//////////////////////////////////.////////////////////////////////////////////////////
thanks, are you the guy from the restaurant, the one who knows all the bad words in romanian? :))
Hello Guys,
I’m writing this from Canada. My name is Madhu and I happened to find out about your trips and the website from my dear buddy Calin Militaru (from Romania) living in Canada. Way to go, Enjoy the trip,. Just curious as to why you are not travelling to the South (Bangalore, Mysore). Something nice about India is – Culture is diverse (and unique with each province and sometimes, regions in the province). I’m sure you must have noticed this by now. Also there are some beautiful temples dating back to several centuries. Also – I would like apologize for the mess, dirt and lack of respect to the environment – Not sure, how to solve that problem. But looks like you guys are having fun and wishing you a safe journey..
Thanks guys
Thanks for the suggestion. We might do that as well sometimes in the future, as we also missed most of Punjab, Gujarat etc. Our time is limited right now and also our strength has some limitation. Thatβs why we canβt really go everywhere in one trip. Cheers, Radu
It was great to talk with you today at Bawa’s shop in Delhi. So cool that you are a VW fan too. Have a great trip and if I can do anything to help while you are in Delhi let me know.
BTW Do you have any advice on who can ship my VW van from California to Kentucky?
Hi. Sorry I don’t know any shipping co for California-Kentucky. I think just driving it is easier and less costly. I am sure you can find a friend who wants to enjoy such trip for free.
extraordinara calatoria voastra
ati dovedit ca se poate ,nu pot sa ma abtin in a compara ce ati facut voi cu calatoriile lu Ewan Mc’G.,diferenta insa e foarte mare avand in vedere suportul de care au beneficiat
numai bine si succes daca m-ai aveti planuri asemanatoare
Hi, I am mitra from yazd. Do you remember? I hope you have a nice trip.
if possible please email the picture in my father’s home for me. I want to use it in couchsurfing.
thanks a lot and have a good trip
done. and thanks again for showing us around!